My Restless Lens

By terri365

Day 1069 - Merry Christmas...

...when it comes!

And not long now!  Very productive day!

Long dog walk, trip into town (came home with a pair of DMs...), trip to Tesco, trip to Currys (came home with a new hoover...), made soup, started the cheesecake, went to pick up Dale from work (came home with two hamsters...!!!), finished the cheesecake, prepped the veg for tomorrow, sat down for half an hour, made dinner, drank some rum, wrapped most of the presents before running out of wrapping paper (sorry Dale, I might need to wrap some of your pressies in whatever I can find - white paper most likely!!!), blipped and now heading to bed!

Shattered and my knee hurts from being on it all day!

I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas!  See you on the other side!

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