Almost a Full Moon

I was going to take my tripod to my parents tomorrow but I may not be up to such activity so I thought I'd have a go at the moon this evening while I could.

Have to say I was pretty pleased with the results and this has only had a little contrast and clarity tweaking :)

Christmas Eve started well with a couple of geocaches found before I went to the office. Work turned out to be quite busy so I didn't actually get everything done I'd intended to!

The sun came out after a heavy rainstorm though and I'd promised a certain labrador that if that happened we'd go back out. I tidied my desk, had a light lunch then said see you tomorrow to Mum and Dad.

Had lined up 3 geocaches with a couple more if the light and dry sky held and they were only 5 minutes away. Was just pulling into Whittlesford when I felt a smash and heard a crunch and realised the silver car, who was waiting for me to turn into the road as I had right of way, had driven straight into me instead. 

I stopped, put my hazards on, and, in an amazingly polite tone for me when I'm behind the wheel, I asked him why he'd pulled out of the junction...he shrugged. My heart sank as I presumed he didn't speak English! He was just embarrassed however and we'd soon swapped details. He said he couldn't remember who he was insured with and my heart sank a little again but he assured me he'd go straight home and get me the details...hmmm.

I drove steadily back to work to e-mail our company insurers and to make better notes of what happened and my dad declared I would just need a new door...I hadn't long been there and an unknown number came up on my phone. It was the other fella's insurers telling me he'd admitted all fault and that they'd be arranging and paying for a replacement car plus repairs. If my car was drivable would I mind if they didn't do it till next week? I thought at 4pm on Christmas Eve I'd be a bit of a cow to say anything but that that was fine!

I have backache and a lovely headache but no point taking that further as I have a medical history full of spinal x-rays and treatments plus a diagnosis of chronic migraines so I can't see me getting away with a claim for anything.

I have lots of photos from today that I want to develop but I can feel my shoulders tightening ready for a stiff neck in the morning. Nurofen has been consumed as I know I can take that with my other meds and I shall be doing my migraine exercises on my neck later. 

First I must eat. I do still have presents to wrap but they are for the little people that I won't be seeing until next week so nothing to worry about. 

I will be blipping at some point may be a tree, it may be a baby, it may be food...but in the meantime I hope you all have a lovely Christmas :) x

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