Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Have Yourself a Fluffy Little Christmas...

(Or if you don't celebrate Christmas, have yourself a fluffy little Friday tomorrow!)  

And in other news...

Bistro Under Attack!

This morning when dawn broke over the Bistro, it revealed that a large, furry black terrorist had wreaked havoc at some point over the dark of night.  Yes, people, things were in a shambles.  Feeders were strewn all over the deck and patio, surrounded by spilled seeds and bits of nuts...Surprisingly, only 2 feeders were completely destroyed (one having been hauled into the woods and squashed.)  Much muttering (me) and chattering (titmice, woodpeckers, chickadees and nuthatches) while the mess was cleaned up.  With woodpeckers swarming the deck (5 at peak count) I decided to rehang one suet feeder and fill a tray feeder with seeds.  

Things had barely settled down when - whoosh!  Out of nowhere a sharp-shinned hawk swooped in.  Several death-defying chases through the trees and Ms. Sharpie came up empty.  Needless to say, the birds are all very nervous now.  So it's really not all that surprising that this little titmouse was all puffed up... first the Bistro, and then the hawk...way too much excitement for one very small 'mouse.   Even the nuthatches had to resort to some calming yoga to settle down... 

One more sleep...

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