Life through the lens...

By ValC

Christmas Eve

Sun setting and moon rising.

Turkey ready and waiting for the big day!
Sprouts, ( yes we all love them, including the grandchildren! ) carrots, and potatoes peeled.
Sage,onion, and chestnut, Stuffing balls made,
along with the cranberry and orange sauce.
Christmas pud, ready for steaming.
Buche de Noël, just needs decorating.
Still a few mince pies left!

Took these two photos as I walked down to the village and back.
Extra washing up liquid needed as dishwasher on the blink!
MrC mended the seal, but not sure how long it will last!!
Not using it again until after lunch tomorrow, just in case!

Off to my sisters now to take presents for our great nieces.

Then back here for our Christmas Eve meal.
The star of which is a delicious looking piece of rump steak!
A special bottle of red wine to go with it too!

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

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