View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

SSE repair van

I  woke up this morning to find no lights on the clock. I got up and the little night light that charges up when plugged in was on so I checked my watch and it was 6.30 so I went back to bed and couldn't sleep so got up at 7am and went down the stairs. Just caught the wood stove with a few red bits so put some kindlers and paper and off it went. I Filled the kettle and put it on top of the stove. The house down below was in darkness then a little light which looked like a candle came on in the toilet. I then phoned the Hydro and reported the fault. This is the van checking.
We decided to go to Ullapool and a phone call to W who said the power came on about 11.30am. A bits of shopping and home. This evening I finished the bathroom and hung the curtains which I had dyed a pale blue. A bit of tidying in the computer room and now uploading my photos. I am getting a bit behind so caught up now.

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