Who? Me?

A few weeks ago we discussed Christmas jumper days at work...December 14th was the first because we were having a Christmas lunch. December 24th was a definite. Then someone said we would do the 23rd...because we are in Wigan and they apparently always wear their Christmas jumpers to Wigan...well not this year...apart from Elaine and me!!

I put mine on over my uniform, Elaine didn't. I could have taken mine off, Elaine couldn't...and she told me not to as she didn't want to look a plonker all day. So, we both looked plonkers...but we made a lot of people smile so I don't mind. I was extremely warm though...ha ha ha. 

I'm actually feeling quite pleased with myself today as I did a few cracking needles. One woman pointed out two of my colleagues when I went to put her needle in and said they were the only two who could do it as she had very tricky veins....they were extremely tricky.........but I am now added to her list as I whizzed that needle in and she bled in her best time.

Oh well, it is an early start, so goodnight all :))

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