Fashion again

I went to Carlisle today to do some Christmas shopping, but got distracted. First of all, I took some photos of the aftermath of the recent floods -  and there was something so awful about seeing people's ruined possessions being loaded into a skip in a car park. (see extras)

Then, taking a shortcut through Tullie House Museum, I came across  "The Newspaper Dress Project". To tie in with an exhibition about 200 years of the Cumberland News, art and design students at Carlisle College had been challenged to research, design and make a dress entirely out of the newspaper, in only 3 days. The results were amazing. Apparently they had held a fashion shoot, involving the college photography students, too. There was a photography exhibition at Tullie House as well - portraits of Poets from the National Portrait Gallery..that took up another hour.

I then got lost in Bookcase, an amazing secondhand bookshop, and wandered around the cathedral before getting down to a bit of shopping. It had to be done..

The train home was cancelled due to brake failure. And the train after that. A replacement bus was promised but hadn't arrived an hour later so I walked to the bus station to get a service bus. We were doing well until the driver came to a halt in  the dark and said "Does anyone know about this road closure?". The road was completely flooded so he had to turn around and go home a different way. I was beginning to wonder whether i would make it home for Christmas, but i did, and D had cooked the tea.

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