If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Aira Jetty

Clickychick and I combined a need to pop to the studio and also fill up with petrol for the trip down to Sheffield tomorrow, with a run down to the lake.  It is the first time since  the floods that we have been down.  After visiting the Glencoyne bay we decided to have a look at the new "steamer" (I know they aren't steam but they are known as steamers) jetty at Aira.

This shot is the boardwalk across the bottom of the field to the jetty which is just showing in the background.  The lake is still high but nothing compared with what it had been.

During the drive along the lake we noticed two things.  Firstly the lake had been 9 or 10 feet above summer levels going by the detritus caught in the fences.  This would have put about 4 feet of water on the road at some points.   Also the water was still across the road at the corner where the famous boathouse is.  All this 18 days after the floods hit.

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