a town called E.

By Eej

8 pm

You'd think that with the setting sun it would cool down a bit. But it doesn't. The grass is of a sickly yellow bone dryness, my plants are so thirsty that as much water as I give them, it's gone in seconds. I make sure to have the birdbath as full as I can - and earlier I saw a sparrow drinking from the ant-guard on top of the hummingbird feeder. Whatever it takes, I say. Yesterday a Percy had both his paws under water while drinking, poor thing.
Many of the scheduled 4th of July fireworks have been cancelled - and even if they weren't I wouldn't attend. It's foolish, playing with sparkly things when the risk of fire is so high.
I have the next few days off and seeing how it will only get warmer I have re-scheduled my outside plans for oh, I don't know, December.
I didn't time it, but I'm certain I've sat outside in the first 3 months of the year than in the second 3.
The only upside is that with little water, mosquitoes don't have as many spots to multiply; I'm itchy baseball-sized welt free.

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