Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

G is for......


They are all over the place in Manchester.
On the town hall, the cathedral, the Albert memorial, you name it there is a gargoyle on it!
Well maybe that last bit is a slight exaggeration but the victorians were gothic gargoyle gaga!

This scary beastie is on the Minshull Street Crown Court building.
(European Gothic style built between 1867 and 1873)

more manchester stuff

In other news there is a July weight loss challenge going on at work.
There are £100 of M&S vouchers up for grabs for the highest % weight loss and I am in!!!!!!

So hold back on the cake blips if you don't mind.

One last mention of cake....

Q: Why did the cake go to the doctor?
A: Because it was feeling crumby!

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