Christmas with cousins

We spent the day at my mums house today. She was babysitting my niece and nephew so we went over to see them and help keep mum sane. The children however were all very well behaved. They had a picnic lunch in the living room, did some colouring and played outside. My nephew spent most of his time with his superhero Lego. I was amazed at how long it kept him occupied.

As the sun started to go down we headed out to a local winter wonderland garden. It had been totally transformed with hundreds of lights for Christmas. The children had a blast running around seeing everything and the grown ups enjoyed it too, it was really pretty.

Both children zonked out on the way home so bedtime has been interesting. 8:30 and all is finally quiet. At least we don't have to be up early tomorrow. Mr J is off work now too!

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