Red Flash

By RedFlash

Sore Feet

Not from walking but from standing and singing wearing fish net tights and high heels. A girls got to look good but my toes have been strangled.

I'm told that the concert went well. It's really hard to tell when you are singing at the outer edge (I'm a soprano (well sort of)) and we stand at the one end. Then you have the tune, then the altos and then the men.

We sing in four part harmony, unaccompanied.

I'll let you know how much money we raised for charity when we have counted the proceeds

Thank you to everyone that wished me well.

It was a rush to get there as there were power problems at Waterloo

To see the rushing cyclist better, go large

The thing that made me smile: Your blips

Exercise: Can't be bothered - completely and utterly drained

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