Solstice Sunrise

What a brilliant sunrise this morning, but it only lasted a short time.  By the time I got back into the car, it was over, the clouds had moved in and the brilliance was gone.

I did something really different this evening - a solstice meditation with a local medium.  A really nice 90 minutes spent with a small group (about 20 others), going within, spreading the energy, relaxing in a beautiful space.  I love that the solstice is here and now the days will start getting a little longer and the very first stirrings of new life will begin, indiscernible to us right now, but heading in the right direction.  

"...and the time came
when the risk it took to remain
in a tightly closed bud
became infinitely more painful
than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)

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