
Tomorrow we get a new sofa & Chair. I have never bought new furniture in all our 30 married years!  Our old sofa & chairs have gone to a good home with my cousin. The next problem was clearing & cleaning out all the damn crap that resided behind the sofa etc. Why do we keep such rubbish. Thankfully, while chubby hubby was away delivering the sofa, I got the chance to bin most of the detris leaving just that small pile you see. These grubby rucksacks are heading for the bin. The bottom stool has a puppet Orangutang inside it! the top wee thing I hope to pass onto some unsuspecting punter to shift it!  The thing inside the cardboard saying fragile is two stained glass windows from my paternal grandmother's strairheid close  which I have had for over thirty years and your'e not going to believe this... I have never opened or looked at! 
The dogs aren't happy with this mountain in the middle of the floor but it stays until tomorrow when I can muster up the energy to deal with it. After doing that, I will then have to tackle the mess in this corner where my desk is after some straight talking fellow blipper agreed it was just clutter! she also conviscated my plant! I feel a failure as a plant parent now!

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