a new year!

By Thesalh70

4 more sleeps to go!...

...and boy am i ready for it! another interesting day at work ends as i get into my car, and turn the radio on...'Diamonds are forever', by Dame Shirley comes over the airwaves.....how bizarre!

woke early bird (and yet again to the sound of rain!), and managed to get a few bits done before dentist check up. then off to charity for an hour (my lunch hour early!) to welcome our new team member, quite excited about her arrival and it will hopefully be a new start.

into work and had some good conversations with customers. can't believe today is only Tuesday, as it's already seemed a long week!

off home and got stuck in rubbish traffic jam. had a quick visit to 49 to see how work progressing, all good stuff and will be finished before we know it. had email too to say my oak fire surround should arrive on Thursday, so will be the finishing touch to the cast iron fireplace.

down to bro's for his birthday....he's a star of 45!! nice glass of vino there with him to celebrate. Prince was in his room and briefly came out to moonwalk to his own version of Billie Jean. he then asked me to play on his X-box, some fighting game, which i'm rubbish at. in his room, i spotted his display of football trophies, and the very interesting little man at the front of them!! in this picture is also his bling chain!!

home and its july, so hot water bottle and early night in bed! 4 more sleeps to go....

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