
Dyn ni wedi bod yn symud dodrefn (eto).  Y tro hwn, dyn ni'n cyfnewid ystafell wely a'r llyfrgell.  Dyn ni'n symud llawer o lyfrau o un ystafell i un arall, a chypyrddau dillad mawr i yn y cyfeiriad arall.  Mae'n llawer o waith.  Hefyd aethon ni i Tesco i wneud tipyn bach o siopa. Sylwais i'r 'bobbles' ar ben y goleuadau. Maen nhw'n edrych fel 'halo'.  Ar ôl y siopa, roedd rhaid i ni fynd yn ôl i symud dodrefn... eto.

We've been moving furniture (again). This time, we are swapping a bedroom and the library. We're moving a lot of books from one room to another, and large wardrobes in the opposite direction. It's a lot of work. Also we went to Tesco to do a bit of shopping. I noticed the 'bobbles' on top of the lights. They look like 'halo'. After the shopping, we had to go back to moving furniture ... again.

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