Today's Special

By Connections

Work in Progress

It poured rain all morning, and the temperature outside was 53F / 12C, so clearly an inside blip was the only choice.

This window is in the "dining area" of our open-plan main floor. I had to climb on a chair to be on eye level with it. The "Simplify" glass art was given to me by a c0-worker in my last job, as she reduced her possessions to the bare minimum before she and her husband moved to Denmark. They're now living in Australia with their two small children.

Staying in a small hotel room in Fort Collins for six days last month, wearing the limited clothing choices that fit in my small backpack, re-awakened my desire to have less and live more simply.

I'll let you know how I do with that -- perhaps documenting my efforts here will encourage me to make more progress, although I'm not sure they will be attractive blips!

(Addendum -- Shortly after I posted this, the rain stopped and the sun came out!)

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