Fast Train
I've been travelling by train regularly for the last few months and have been shocked at the number of times there have been delays on the network due to "a person being hit by a train". It's disturbingly common: over 200 a year in the UK apparently. Mostly "jumpers" but sometimes cable thieves or good old-fashioned trespassers.
Today a friend was travelling down to London from Yorkshire and the train he was on hit someone - although amazingly this particular victim came away alive! (and was promptly arrested for trespass)
Anyway, the reason I tell you this is that I was out walking the dog tonight and got stopped at a level crossing, and so could observe at close quarters how FAST these things go. And this was a local train, not an intercity one like the one my mate was on. I seriously can't imagine how you could survive being hit by one of these things!!
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