
.... Winter solstice.

Today Lucy and I drove down to Cornwall to visit my parents and I asked her to grab my phone to take a snap as we slowly drove past Stonehenge. Window down and Lucy leaning across me to grab this shot. There were quite a few camper vans parked, assuming they were setting up camp to get up tomorrow morning for the winter solstice. Thought I would try and be brave and do it in mono as I rarely do (apart from mono Monday's!).

Mum has been very poorly this last couple of weeks with a severe urinary infection (although this visit was already planned) and is making slow progress. She ate all her dinner, dad made a wonderful beef casserole, which was great as she has hardly eaten in that time too. The weather isn't looking too good while we are here but we are happy to chill with them and offer help if needed, but they are very proud and like to do it all themselves.

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