Cookies with the boys
OK I had to blip the grandsons and cookies too--they were every bit as into the cookie making as the girls... but all they wanted was the sugar cookies --no spritz making for them tonight. We couldn't seem to get much traction as they ate so many along the way. (making and eating here...)
The vest that Oskar wears is one I made for H when we were first married and I sewed such things.. ..hard to a madras sport coat--wonder where that is?
I did switch the selfie to sunday (blip doesn't seem to care) so I could put this here as a backblip.
And I've added some to the Christmas cookie flickr set , including the finished creations of Fiona's with food coloring, and the few spritz that I made myself--about to go finish those...(but with some difficulty--Lightroom is again not uploading them to flickr..but I can do it from the phone or from the desktop --but all very confusing to me. :-). and frustrating.)
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