Riesling To The Challenge

The Ding Dong Belles sang at Chilford Vineyard's Christmas Bazar this morning (did I mention our village has a vineyard?). It was a strange event; there were hardly any stalls and we were squashed into a corner of the bistro, in front of the burger stall. I think we sang really well though, and we all enjoyed it, despite the strange circumstances.
D and I managed to persuade the children to come along with the offer of a takeaway afterwards.
We did a quick whizz round Sainsburys, then KFC then home.

I've set myself a challenge to find a film that makes Poppy cry. So far, the Sound of Music, ET, One Day and, this afternoon's attempt, Ghost have all failed. I'm beginning to think I have given birth to a Cyborg.
Any ideas of sure-fire tearjerkers gratefully received. I'm going to crack this one if its the last thing I do.

Photo is Rachel, our choir mistress. We clubbed together to get her John Lewis vouchers. She seemed happy with them.

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