
By Mindseye


I was complaining yesterday that we hadn't seen any sun. Then low and behold, there it was this morning, in a lovely blue sky :-). Still very mild..........our back lawn was long when we got back from holiday and has continued to grow with all the rain and mild temperatures!

This morning as we were coming back from our papers walk, we could here someone mowing there lawm our so it sounded! That got hub thinking and after an hour or so, out came the mower, he lifted up the blades fairly high, as it is still pretty wet, and off he went, didn't even need a fleece or jacket, how ridiculous is that for 20th December.

Whilst hub was mowing the lawn I was making the basis of my gravy for Christmas Day, which will go in the freezer, then be thawed and added to the turkey juices on the big day. It just didn't seem right, Christmas indoors and spring-like outside, I really don't like it.........although it has been a beautiful day :-)

Fresh bed linen day today, washed and dried it all, just needs ironing now. That reminds me, best go and put some fresh bedding on our bed, or I'll be doing it at 12 o'clock tonight!

Has anyone else been watching The Bridge, a Swedish/danish police drama, on BBC 4........ Just watched the final episode of series 2, what a cracking series, well worth a watch!!!

Well I best go and get the beef joint in the oven otherwise it will not be ready in time!

Hope you're all having a nice relaxing Sunday!

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