Growing old disgracefully



This year, like so many others, I wonder if I should stop sending cards.  There is the obvious issue of sending the money direct to charity instead of using it on cards and stamps. But for me there is also the issue of the ever expanding group of friends.  Every year I am blessed with new friends and wonder if I should add them to the list or will that put pressure on them to reciprocate?  Then there are the limited number of friends who don't use Facebook or email - would it be better to send them an occasional proper snail mail message rather than a once a year hastily scribbled Christmas card? And of course there are all the overseas friends. 

In the end, I spent so long swithering about it I had no time to design my own card and had to buy.  Next year I'll think about it again!

The VIP's mum had a fall and the Prof took her to hospital for an X-ray, which was bad luck for her, but good luck for me as the VIP and I got extra playtime this morning and had one of those delightful lunches where you just open the fridge door and choose what you want.  He had tuna and humous mashed together and sweetcorn on the side.  It doesn't appeal to me, but maybe it could catch on.  Fortunately, nothing was broken and the VIP and his Mum were reunited this afternoon. 

Must get back to the cards as my son and heir will soon be here with his weekly round up of news.  Still recovering from the final episodes of The Bridge - will there be a series 4? Hope so!

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