Baubles and tinsel

Today's the day ........................ to decorate

It's a job that I just love so much.

Decorating the Christmas tree is something very special in this house - and here's a few reasons why. 

First of all, It marks the start of the Christmas festivities for me.  I know we've been bombarded for many weeks with TV advertising, decorations in the streets and all the rest of it - but I just steadfastly ignore all that.

Our Christmas tree started as a tiny seedling that I found in our garden one day when I was weeding a border.  I have nurtured it since then, re-planting it in ever bigger pots until it has grown to the size it is today.  After Christmas is over, it will go back out into the garden to grow a bit more until next year.

Our tree decorations may not be of the highest standard but most of them hold some sort of memory for me.  This big, pink beauty was bought in a posh shop in Florence one November when Will and I were there for a few days.  The plastic cherub is more than sixty years old - and was given to me by my Gran.  

Family traditions - that's what makes a good Christmas ............  

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