A Slow Day

After an early start shopping at M & S we came home and I've just faffed about all day.  I promised my middle daughter I'd do her a photo book which will be a copy of a family scrapbook I did a few years ago.  The Scrapbook contains family photos dating from 1840 up to the 1980s  with explanatory narrative and names etc  (my mother always kept good records so that bit was easy) .  The thing is that in between doing the scrapbook and now, there have been computer updates and software changes so really if I want to do a good job I will need to re-scan 102 old photos and clean them up before I can really begin the project.  I've tried to make a start this afternoon but have now put everything away as it all seems too daunting today  -  having said I'll do it I'll have a go "another day".

I blipped this squirrel through the window in-between sorting the photos.

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