M and myself were sat at a table beneath this window (of one of my favourite local restaurants, the "Crocante"), sharing a few bottles of cider with fiends "El Jabali" and C, having just arrived back from La Coruña.
It was approaching midnight and I wanted to capture something for my day's blip, So I pulled out my camera and started snapping the window.
Anyhow, my friend C immediately recognised me as somebody with an interest in photography (why else take a photograph of a window). It turned out that she has recently bought herself a DSLR and is thinking of taking the same photography class that I have been considering for a while, at a local photography school. So maybe we'll enrol together. in January.
It's a shame she doesn't speak English (as far as I know) otherwise I'd encourage her to use Blipfoto - well I might do that anyway.
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