And Who Are You???

Sometimes, mum thinks I am too diligent in my constant efforts to keep everything, and everyone, under control on our walkies. Since our standard ones involve lots of buses, cars, bikes, roller skis, walkers and other dogs, it's a big job. You wouldn't believe how many roller skiers there are around here! All this also explains why I like forest walkies better. This person was nowhere near us and mum said just to let her go in peace, but I needed a better look before I was convinced.

A very happy afternoon indeed followed. We went to my very good friend B for coffee, and her husband C who loves me very much was also there! I almost forgot mum altogether, and spent most of the time in one of the other two laps, and the rest following them around just in case food was coming my way. Which it was, of course. Ham, cheese, shrimps and extra treats for doing double high fives! And cuddles, cuddles, cuddles... I love my friends!

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