'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri


Woke up this morning feeling like we had too much red wine last night. (Answer to yesterday's qestion: Yes). I had to get up in instalments.

Somehow we lost one of my shoes last night. I took an extra pair with in case we had to walk somewhere & this morning there was only one in the bag. There was no way I was going to wear the party shoes - they were not made for walking and it took all concentration just to stand up straight barefoot. So we took to the Covent Garden streets in only my tights. Bought shoes at the first shop & when we left we realised we were in a street of shoe shops. If we were feeling better we would have gone for Crocs or Birkenstock, but hi-ho, now I have ankle boots bought in Covent Garden.
Got a taxi to Liverpool Street - the underground felt to taxing - & got the 12:00 train back. Came home, had tea & toast & a nap till 18:00. Got up, had pizza & went back to bed.

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