Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


Well, my last day at work went with a bang.  Not that work was excessively busy, but I had given myself a lot to cram in.

I had an appointment at 1200, and no time afterwards, so I called on dad first.  He was in quite good form, but hadn't got around to having breakfast yet, so I made him cereal, toast and coffee - whilst writing him a shopping list, as he was short of all three items.

Then in to work (early) for my appointment.

Then to the other side of Norwich to take the car to be serviced and MOT'd.  Got there at 1.45 (for my 2 o'clock appointment).  The guy on the desk, really aggressively, says "I rang you and told you there was a lot to do, didn't I?"  No, he hadn't, but I was prepared to concede that he might have left a message on the answer machine, since I probably hadn't checked over the last couple of day.  He continued really aggressively about how long everything was going to take (bearing in mind the car is not yet 3 years old, and gently used).  I think he was trying to make me say I'd take the car away and rebook for another day - maybe they had overbooked.  Anyhow, that wasn't an option.  But it was a close run thing that I didn't burst in to tears!.

And it was all so pointless - the car was, in the end, ready before 4!

Back to work, where I remembered that I'd promised a daylight blip for today.  

Due to work on the shop floor from 5, it was "Booze Black Friday" or some such silly name.  In fact, we have the pre-Christmas lull at the moment, everyone is too busy to be ill.  I did in fact manage to disappear up to the office, to work on the February rotas, and where one of my colleagues landed me with the job of chasing up on a missed fracture.  It started to get busy about 9, so I had to help out till midnight.  Reading the "sitrep" this morning (it is circulated twice a day) it appears to have got very busy after midnight.

But I then had to finish off the rotas, and actually didn't leave until about 2am.

Wheew - glad that I now have 3 weeks off work.  AND when I go back, I'm cutting my hours.

Looking forward to a trip to the daughter's today, then off on our holidays on Monday.

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