wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Check out my new toy

Today has been exhausting.
Mom finished the tree. I looked at every ornament before she put them on and she even put a ball and some garland on my house of invisibility!
I learned some things today.......
Yup a list
1) the tree is not edible.
2) it makes a great place to hide and jump out at people, or other cats or even nothing.
3) I can sleep under it at night.
4) if I stare at a ball, I can see a cat looking back at me.
5) if I slap him he slaps me back.
6) cat in ball.....is a ...gorgeous cat
7) the " birds" on the tree? Fake
8) the birds on the tree are not edible.
9) if it's shiny, don't eat it. It will taste bad.
10) decorating the tree makes me hungry.
11) I have learned to pose for mom and I get treats.
12) so many ornaments ...so little time.
13) mom feels the need to tie the tree to the wall.....
14) I am insulted.
15) humans don't come with manuals.
16) it would make it easier
Oh well, time for sleepy night night. G'day downunder and goodnight to the north!

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