Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

18th December 2015

First day of for the eldest child today, last day for the youngest. Took Miss S out to breakfast with my craft ladies and then popped to see one of my best girls and her little man. This pleased Miss S as he's the only baby that she's ever liked ... EVER! Home to pick up Little Miss S and then up to town to look at the new yarnbomb on the postbox and to buy a few treats for us. Got home, cooked dinner and then Mr S and Little Miss S went off to watch their first evening Southend United match. It was a 4-1 win to Southend so she came home totally buzzing and I've just had to shoe horn her into bed as she's talking about the match nonstop! Miss S and I spent our evening snuggled up on the sofa and I left her in charge of the remote. She seemed happy enough.

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