Holidays are coming

Munchie and I wore matching dresses today, we had just taken a photo of us in them when Wom photo bombed us!

Survived today
Christingle went well, no children burnt and lots of lovely comments. Phew.

It's been one hell of a term, partly due to the increase in my hours, but also because we have been down two teachers which has caused a huge amount of stress for all involved. It's made me really appreciate the fabulous bunch of people that I work with even more.

Home, neither of them slept!

Daddy home.

Baths, bed
Daddy has gone out to his Christmas meal, it was ours tonight too but daddy had his on the calendar so he wins!

I'm in bed, it's quite lovely

Popping to home in the morning to take a desk to grandmas, planning on popping to Wilkos and waitrose early, the sorting office opens at 6:30 am tomorrow,, tempting to go there super early too!

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