Change of era

Not prepared to call it 'the end'.
Just a change.

A rare pic of me and my work husband together.  

when I started there in April 2003, I became quickly aware of Kieran, by reputation and also because he was exams officer, and nobody crosses the exams officer!!!

Soon enough, I would find myself 'in amongst it' in the smokers room (which is now, by some weird twist, my office!) - yes, the good old days when we could smoke at before school, at break, lunch and after school, with children standing outside the window where the extractor vented out!!!  Friday mornings were always a treat, as Kieran would bring in the picture round from his Thursday night quiz and he would act as Quizmaster General to the assorted reprobates  colleagues in Smokers Club.

Over the years, Kieran has become such a good friend, a shoulder to cry on as I lost my grandparents and then as we lost two dear colleagues in what were a couple of very very dark years for us all.  He supported me as I navigated my separation and divorce, and then celebrated a few years later as Corin and I married.  In recent years, very soon after the wedding, my health problems amplified and Kieran has been resolute in making sure that I am coping, despite the fact that I am indeed the world's most stubborn and annoying 'patient'.

I feel really privileged that Kieran is in my life.  I am not alone in that - there are colleagues who have known him and called him a friend for much longer than I have.  He is such a wonderful, compassionate man.  He is also the font of all knowledge.

Room 13 won't be quite the same.  Different is good, but it won't be the same.

36 years and 118 days (is that right?)...countless lives and families influenced by his teaching and his being there for them.

We will miss you, but you won't get rid of us that easily...we know where you live!

Love you Fisherking.

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