
By Blippingvicar

Hmm.  This isn't going well - this is attempt three, but with a bit of luck I've managed to copy what I'd written before it disappeared!  Here goes...

Seeing the early morning light, I nipped across to Sutton Park for a first photographic foray in quite a while; time and energy have been diverted to other things.  It was also the first time out with a new camera, and discovered on downloading that I now also need to update Lightroom or find another way to fiddle with RAW files.  O well, I'll leave that for another day.

I have tried at least to comment on significant occasions, which have been more of an achievement that my significant occasion of actually managing to take a photo!  I am grateful for your support and encouragement and wish you every blessing for Christmas and the New Year - next week might get a bit busy!

Phew! Finally managed it, I hope.  Here goes the "Publish" button!

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