Raisebeck Landslides

Echoing another blippers' comments of yesterday I was fairly sure today's blip was in the bag - not the first time Squirrel Friday has been a blessing.

Then I swung round to Raisebeck Hall Farm - We used to live in Raisebeck, its the next hamlet to our village, and the farm is where we've always bought meat, its less than a mile from us. I'd not been this way since the flooding happened - so I just wasn't prepared for how much damage had been done in this lovely little valley. It's high & steep - but like many places that was no defence.
I posted Raisebeck Falls on Nov 29th and commented then that often this beautiful little beck isn't even really there - by the time it reaches the farm its met more tributaries and is just about to enter the Lune - but even then normally you could walk through it and not get your ankles wet, now nearly two weeks later its still a raging river.
I couldn't really get a shot that shows how much damage has been done - for about a mile of the winding course of the beck there are these landslides every hundred foot or so - how the blue building in this shot is standing is a mystery as land is piled 10ft up against its side - it was probably what stopped Steve's farmhouse being engulfed, he told me one of the farm pickups has simply vanished - they assume its under the earth somewhere. Steve & his family have farmed here for generations and never seen anything like this, but he says this could be a blow they don't recover from. 

Astoundingly, in the midst of all this he's managed to wire up some temporary cold storage as he knew people would be coming to him for their Christmas needs - a true case of getting the job done, I salute him.

& so to Philosophy Friday, I've been saving this one;

Do. Or do not.
There is no try.

Master Yoda.

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