The Force Has Woken Once More
I really enjoyed Star Wars Episodes I to III. True they didn't live up to the magic of Episodes IV to VI, but I figured that it would be impossible to recreate the same kind of celluloid epiphany in a forty years old man as could be stirred in a ten years old. Boy, was I ever wrong about that! Star Wars: The Force Awakens is, quite simply, the greatest movie I have ever seen. Watching this movie stirred in me once more the thrill I felt when I watched Star Wars: A New Hope as a ten year old. This film is perfection. Faultless. 2017 cannot come soon enough to relieve the suspense of the cliffhanger ending to Episode Eight. If only someone could freeze me in carbonite and wake me up when it's released. Ah well, never mind; I'll be going to see it at an IMAX screen with Arthur in England in a couple of weeks time; I guess I'll just have to twiddle my lightsaber until then.
May the Force be with you.
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