Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Lake Lilies

Looks like I made good on my promise for not another Buddy pic. No sucg promises for next time, though.

It seems that I can take a page from JCD's blipbook and post some lilies as well!

Mornings on the lake are some of my favorite times. It's usually cool, the lake is calm and quiet, and you can hear the fish bubbling and birds in the trees. So much nature. Don't get me wrong, I love the fun and energy of being in the boat with everyone, but there's something delightfully tranquil about the mornings beforehand.

After watching my girl's dad try to tempt a large-ish fish (unsuccessfully, unfortunately) I noticed some blooming water lilies by the boat. Shortly afterwords, he retreated to the cabin. I nervously held my big camera over the water, my fingers dipping into the water (please don't slip, please don't slip) as I sprawled over the boat leaning over the water. Sure it was uncomfortable for a few minutes, but I'm very happy with the result.

It was another fun day on the lakes, swimming and water fun. The highlight of Mondays at this location is one of the local restaurants has a dinner pizza buffet. I calorically saved up all week for a feast of cheese and deliciousness, and was not disappointed.

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