Shopped till we dropped.

Mr W and I both had the day of today. He didn't get in till 3.30 am last night after going to see Star Wars but that didn't stop me waking him up early so we could head up to Ikea for breakfast!

My plan was to get all my Christmas shopping AND wrapping done today but as I stupidly decided to do everyone multi gift bags, I still havn't managed to get it all finished but I'm almost there.

I'm working right up to Christmas eve with a few extra contacts crammed in between my usual ones as they are really struggling to get them all covered at the moment. And no one wants to miss out on seeing their children at Christmas so I'm doing all I can to help. But boy do I need a rest which is why we have decided to have Christmas day at home. Just the 2 of us, doing absolutely NOTHING!

My blip is of our festive coffee break in Tesco today. The last of the many shops we visited today.

xXx ♡ xXx

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