Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Taking my hat off

You have to take your hat off to Coca-Cola, their marketing is superb!  Personally, I think it's filthy stuff and you couldn't pay me to drink it, but I have to admit their association of the brand with Christmas is genius.  I expect most of you know that they are the reason Father Christmas has red robes?  Until the 20th century FC's robes were holly green, then along came Coke!

Anyway, today the Coca-Cola truck came to Winchester for the first time.  They call the truck a 'Christmas tradition', but it's not one I've heard of and it hasn't been here before.  So when I went into town to meet a friend for a pre-festive coffee and present exchange the place was bedlam, you couldn't move for folks and street stalls - and the buses were totally up the spout!

But here is the famous truck.  I felt you would want to see it to make your Christmasses complete and that it was therefore my duty to blip it!

Friday tomorrow and I'm going to miss FF as I'm off to London.  Hope all's as good as it can be in your world.  This time next week...  xx

PS: I also rather like this in mono, so have added it as an extra

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