You're Never Fully Dressed Without . . .

. . . a SMILE!!!!

It is the holiday season, and things are looking quite a bit more festive than usual. The lady janitors who take care of the building where I work have done a great job of decorating this year. The Outreach Building is decked out fabulously, everywhere you look!

I strolled into the building on this morning to find that the lobby had received some additional decorating since the last time I'd been in. There had already been two Christmas trees standing atop gift-wrapped boxes, one on either side of the doors to the studio. But now they were joined by two red poinsettia trees, one on either side, and two green wreaths on the doors.

I snapped a few pictures on my way in. And I giggled. Because there was just one thing the whole scene needed. The two green wreaths looked like eyes to me, and the door handle beneath them was a nose. All that was missing was a mouth!

I uploaded my pictures later in the day, posted one of them to Facebook, and of course, my friends egged me on. The scene needed a smiling mouth. We all knew it.

I was compelled to act. And it turns out I had the means at my disposal. I found a lime green scarf in my office, and I thought it might be just the right size and shape to seal the deal. Did I have the nerve to do it?

When I walked out of the office on this day, I took my scarf and two large pieces of tape along. And I looked around carefully. No one was nearby. Good! And then I smile-bombed that door by arranging the scarf strategically beneath the door handle, and taped it down on each end. VOILA! A smiling face!

We'll just chalk this one up to a Random Act of Christmas.

The song to accompany this image . . . well, you know what it has to be! It's from the Broadway musical Annie, and I have to admit that I didn't even know this charming version existed until now. The video is lots of fun and I hope you watch it! Here's Sia, with You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.

You know you want to do it. Yeah, just go ahead . . . and smile.  :-)

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