the edges of my life

By raej

a room with a view

yesterday Vandrew and his 6 friends moved from their old enclosure to house 3 ..... which by comparison is just huge with a proper pool they can go snorkeling and swimming laps in and an amazing view of the Tam Dao mountain range...
- today they were let outside to explore the enclosure... there were a few nervous nellies but Vandrew with his one eye an 3 legs, and Maggie (with the huge ears) were off on a mission....
next week these 7 will be integrated with 10 other bears to form a new group.

This is new enclosure we had to watch go nowhere for months while we fought a local corrupt forestry official who wanted to build a rich mens hotel where the fence is. We won this one but now we're fighting to build the next enclosure (already officially approved by government years ago...) - no wonder this country struggles so much - corruption is just everywhere....
anyways enough of my rant - think happy bears!

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