a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Desperately tired today. Last night I was plagued with recurring nightmares - you know the kind, the ones where the second you doze off the dream frequently picks up from where it left off the previous 17 times it woke you up. Shall spare you the graphic details, but I think if I put it in novel form I would be a feelthy rich woman from the royalties. Not sure what prompted it...no doubt there is some deeper underlying meaning to it, and there is probably some part of my subconscious which is translating a primaeval need to paint my nails a different colour into a horrorfest. Or something.

Suffice to say that I eventually got to sleep about 5.30 am, and of course slept straight through the alarm and was late for work.

All day my brain kept screaming at me for caffeine, caffeine, caffeine!

Went for a quick lap of Darling Harbour at lunch to have a look at what boats were in, and to see who was doing what in the winter sunshine. I liked the chap basking, stretched out on the boardwalk.

No doubt I should make an effort to make this more blippable, but I'm in my jimjams and heading for bed so I shall beg your indulgence.

G'night all.

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