Audrey or Marilyn?

I'd love to be an Audrey...slim, beautiful, brunette. I used to be brunette, back in the olden days before grey hairs had to be hidden behind blonde. but that's the only link.

I'd put up with being a Marilyn...blonde, beautiful, curvy. Well, I suppose I have more of my fair share of curves. 

I drove the mini bus today...we were in Ashton...I hadn't a clue where we were going so I followed a colleague driving the lorry. Unfortunately, she wasn't sure either and we had a magical mystery tour. At one point she turned into a carwash place hoping there was a drive through...we had to do a fifty point turn to get out. We were late arriving at the venue, but hey ho, what can you do. 

There were no yacht delivery men in today, sadly. Probably a good job as I didn't look like Audrey or Marilyn, more of a Captain Pugwash.

I'm behind on comments and this is an emergency blip, so don't feel the need to comment. I shall try and catch up over the weekend. Happy Wednesday everyone.....

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