Growing old disgracefully



The Professor is reorganising his study, which doubles as the VIP's bedroom. There has been a lot of sorting, recycling, furniture removal and an interesting moment when I got a chair stuck in the loft hatch. His approach to these tasks is so, so much better than mine.  He plans, measures, ponders then acts.  I act then think about it later - usually when it's a bit too late - hence the chair in the loft hatch episode. 

I'm in holiday mode - which means that I want to get everything I have shelved in the last few months done and dusted - now!  There is a noticeable dent in the list but a long way to go. It may be obvious to you now that I don't practice and teach mindfulness because I am already wonderfully wise and zen like - it's just that without my practice I would still be stuck in loft hatch and...yes... swearing like a trooper*. 

*Why do troopers swear, and..err...what exactly is a trooper?

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