Fighting time

It's my annual fight with the unforgiving sellotape, the pesky crinkly wrinkly Christmas paper again. Shopping day what a nightmare. Decided to avoid the city centre and went to Braehead which I equally hate but at least you can park at and the girls told me what shops to go to. God there are some peculiar retail staff! . In one store the assistant (well that's an oxymoron of a name) she had more piercings and nose rings than your average sheep, but God I could probably understand the sheep better!
We then wandered to our old patch in the west end and mercifully found the rest of the stuff without having to go near the city and its Weegies on a mission to kill lest you get in their way.
Then the dreaded wrapping. Do you know I found sellotape from last year's battle still stuck to the dinning room table!. As for cutting in a straight line forget it!. After all that my youngest announced "mam they have lines on the inside of the paper to help you cut straight" Who the Hell noticed. I need a drink!

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