Lights (Day 223)

I seem to have spent the day zooming around and haven't managed to achieve all that much. I fixed a leak for the Harray Potter, then fixed another leak in Stromness, and gave a quote for another job in Stromness. In between there was a fair bit of driving back and forwards to get bits and collect some more pellets for the boiler.
I missed both of the woofer walks today, but trundled to town in the late afternoon with Mrs P to get some provisions.
The camera hasn't been out of the bag all day and I was kicking myself for my choice for the 3 Bob challenge - bauble. What was I thinking! Google reckons that a bauble can be a showy trinket, and the fairy lights we have in an old carboy are about the most Christmassy thing we have in the house.
Wheeliebloke will likely blip something more apt.

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