Blue Mountains Icons 2

An hour's travel, west of the Sydney outskirts, via the Great Western Highway finds one in the Upper Blue Mountains - where I live. It has always been a tourist destination for Sydneysiders and visitors from interstate or overseas. One can find millions of old family photographs and commercial postcards featuring refined ladies and gentlemen in quaint period garb, posing in locations like this, decked out with parasols, collars & ties, waistcoats and spats - however ludicrous such accoutrements might seem today.

We are looking at the "Weeping Rock" near Wentworth Falls. I have depicted it in black & white because I have seen it thus so many, many times. The bonnets, long dresses, petticoats, tweed jackets and straw boaters are all gone. On this occasion even the PEOPLE were gone. Nonetheless this icon of the district flows on very much as it probably has for eons.

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