
By BikerJim

~Setting Sun Effects~

~Sunset Revival~

Kind of a joy to go out and just photograph a sunset. There was a nice one last night as well and I regretted not being able to post it, but I had other fish to fry!

In addition, a few of you know my recent blogs on my feelings about shooting these God given gifts. But to rehash my thoughts, a sunset shot requires luck more than art. I mean, great sunset images are wondrous things to create and look at, slack-jawed with joy. But I feel I don't create them, I just record them. There is no working for a good perspective, composition or other imaginative work. These are just my feelings, and they only relate to my personal work as a photographer and artist. Also, these heavenly displays are so numerous around these parts that it's hard to get excited about recording them, every damn day! I need to find other avenues for my artistic work and imagining craft.

On the upside, I do receive great joy in sharing them with others who don't get exposed to the Arizona skies at dusk. So please let me entertain you with another empyrean manifestation. See I even suffer a mental lethargy at typing the word sunset, lol.

Please enjoy my sunset images,
I do enjoy looking at them too ;o)

Edit: I apologize for my rant about photographing sunsets. I hope I didn't come off as being a sunset snob. I do enjoy shooting sunsets and I really do love sharing them with everyone. But to support my opinions about my photographing them, I just did a search on The Blip for "by tucsonjim tagged sunset" and it appears that I have posted 234 images with that tag! That's a lot of sunsets, so please understand my wanting to not shoot them everyday as that is possible here in Tucson Arizona. Though I will still photograph them and share those images with my friends here at The Blip.
Thanks for your understanding, TucsonJim

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