Faux Boxing Day

The day after faux Christmas and we were all late to rise, including my niece, whose many charms include being a great sleeper. We made bacon rolls for late breakfast/early lunch and lounged about until, at about two o'clock, I realised we only had a couple of hours of daylight left and that we should grab a bit of fresh air. 

We made our way from the cottage down the lane to Devil's Bridge, where I'd promised the kids an ice cream - yes, in this weather - if the van was there, which, perhaps predictably, it wasn't. There was a minor panic from the youngest member of our party until I assured her that the sweet shop in the square sold ice cream and that all would be well.

From the bridge, we walked back along the river, slightly awed by the havoc wreaked by the flooding, including a huge gouges out of the (newish) footpath. It must have been a hell of a thing to see.

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