The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

I went to Fingringhoe and all I saw ...

As I had a compulsory extra day in Colchester and my very generous hosts kindly offered me the loan of their car while my van was being fixed I decided to go to the very lovely Fingringhoe nature reserve.

It was very overcast and quiet - I sat somewhere I'd seen a water vole on a previous visit - but all I saw were a couple of moorhens and this robin!

Considering the garage where I left my van had rather had it 'dumped' on them,  by me - I'm amazed that they fitted me in and completed the repair in time for me to return to Hull tonight! I bribed them with a tin of Quality Street, but I expect they'd have done it anyway!

If anyone's in Colchester - let me highly recommend Ireton Road Garage!

My journey home was a bit of a nightmare - involving two very long and very badly signposted diversions - but I got home eventually!

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